+91-7875184114, +91-9759599979

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For rates, availability & bookings please call, Manmohan Bhatt: +91-9759599979 & +91-7875184114

Catering & Meals: Indulge in scrumptious home cooked meals served at the various dining areas like the Hospitality Lounge, The Bamboo Grove or The Lawns. We serve both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options and special dietary requirements can be accommodated with advance notice. contact us

Dining All meals are served in a buffet style layout. Since we are a home-stay, we do not offer room-service or in-room dining. Guests are requested to come to the dining area for all meals.


Morning Tea & Breakfast: 7.30 am to 9.00 am

Lunch: 1pm – 3pm

Dinner:  7.30 pm to 10.00 pm