+91-7875184114, +91-9759599979

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Day Picnics & One Day Retreats for Families & Groups

Check-In: 10.30 AM. Check-Out: 5 PM

Minimum Number of Guests: 10

Day Picnics for Family, School, College, Corporate & Spiritual Groups at Carbery Acres, including buffet meals & all On-Campus activities, fall into 3 categories;

Option 1 – Rs 1400/- per head 

•             Welcome Drink & Snack

•             Vegetarian and/or Non-Vegetarian Lunch

•             Tea/ Coffee & Pakodas

•             All On-Campus Activities

Option 2 – Rs 1200/- per head

•             Choice of either Welcome drink & snack or Tea/ Coffee & Pakodas

•             Vegetarian and/or Non-Vegetarian Lunch

•             All On-Campus Activities

Option 3 – Rs 900/- per head

•             Vegetarian and/or Non-Vegetarian Lunch

•             All On-Campus Activities

Option 4 – Rs 600/- per head

•             Use of the Homestay grounds and facilities

For school groups, all the above options will be free for one staff member for every 15 children Multiple buffet dining venues may be set up for larger groups of guests. While the Hospitality Lounge will be the main dining area, additional buffet dining venues can include, the Amphitheatre, The Splash Pool Lawn & Banquet Hall’