+91-7875184114, +91-9759599979

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For rates, availability & bookings please call, Manmohan Bhatt: +91-9759599979 & +91-7875184114

The Tree House

The air conditioned room has a double bed with an en suite bathroom. Sitting on the deck outside the room, the guests can enjoy the…

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The Pebble Houses

Air-conditioned rooms with en suite bathrooms, perfect for guests who wish to wake up to the serene views of the variety of the grounds.

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The Mud House

The air-conditioned Mud Houses are spacious en suite rooms which gives direct access to the splash pool. Warmed by the wood…

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The Village Hut Room

These spacious accessible rooms equipped with air coolers and with en suite bathrooms and provide a perfect blend of rustic and…

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